National Nurses Day

Today's a day you need to celebrate someone special.

Before you go into a cardiac arrest worrying about who’s birthday you may have forgotten, relax. And, no, it’s not Mother’s Day either However it does relate well to someone who is like a mom. Someone who goes out of his/her way to ensure you’re not in pain. Who assists you with dressing and bathing. Who knows you and your situation better than you think. Who is a good listener and a genuine friend. Who is someone you see every day, and puts a smile on your face each time you see her/him.

Nurses are the special people we’re talking of celebrating today because May 6 is National Nurses Day. It’s time to acknowledge all the nurses in our lives who so lovingly and compassionately devote their time, knowledge, talent/skills, and love to those who can’t care for themselves. Nurses who do everything in their power to ensure you are happy, healthy, and comfortable.


Nursing has grown into a highly sought after, and well-respected position in the United States. Of course, it wouldn’t be where it is today without someone paving the path and pioneering it all. Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing, and is credited with improving the health industry as a whole. Nightingale was born in 1820 on May 12 (the same week we celebrate nurses) in Florence, Italy. She came from an upper class British family where women were discouraged from doing anything other than becoming a mother and wife.

Nightingale was a social reformer, though, and chose to rebel by pursuing a career in nursing. She claims she was called to devote her life to the service of others, and worked hard to educate herself in the field of nursing, despite oppositions from her family members and other affluent people of her class. She is most known for her strong influence in the Crimean War where she tended to thousands of wounded British soldiers and earned herself the nickname of The Lady with the Lamp.

During the Crimean War, Nightingale was able to decrease the death toll from 42% to 2% with her implementation of proper sanitation and good hygiene care, as well as getting proper supplies of medication. She later went on to write several nursing publications, establish a nursing school, and become an advocate for sanitary living conditions (especially those in hospitals).


Although Nightingale helped establish nursing, this field has changed significantly since the 1800s. With new and improved technologies, and more research in the field of healthcare, nursing has evolved into a highly-specialized and well-respected field. More rigorous schooling and training allows for nurses to take on more responsibilities and specializations.
Nurses have become so valuable, that in many cases, they even assist doctors in finding specific treatment options for patients. They play a key role in the healthcare industry, and are vital to not just saving lives, but improving overall healthcare as well.

It’s only fitting that we take time to celebrate the nurses who so selflessly help us every day. So to help ensure these special people in your life don’t get overlooked, try one of these ideas:
  • Write a thank you card
  • Give a gift card to their favorite restaurant, movie theater, or spa
  • Make a sentimental craft for him/her
  • Have a party with your favorite nurses
  • Make their favorite treat
  • Brighten their day with a bouquet of flowers, or lunch
  • Sing them a song
Celebrating and recognizing the nurses in your life doesn’t have to be elaborate. Often, it’s the little things that will make them feel special. At Aegis, we value our nursing staff and the quality level of care they bring to our center. We feel fortunate to work with so many amazing people, and want to recognize them for all they do! Thank you!