Four Key Aspects to Aging Well

It's never too late to take control of your health.

This month is Healthy Aging Month, which was first introduced when the baby boomer generation was about to turn 50. While many look at the glass half empty when it comes to aging, Healthy Aging Month seeks to focus its attention on the positive aspects of growing older.

Healthy aging doesn’t just encompass proper nutrition and exercise, but includes other aspects of life such as social, financial, and mental. Having the proper balance of these important aspects of life can help anyone of any age to age well. Longevity is likely to be achieved when striving to stay in good health for as long as possible. Who doesn’t want that? At Aegis, we are passionate about helping people live longer, healthier, and happier lives. We’ve shared some simple things you can start doing today to help ensure you healthy aging:

Consistent, adequate physical exercise has numerous benefits, including strengthening your heart, bones, and muscles, and lowering your risk of depression and cognitive decline. In addition, sufficient physical activity improves balance and prevents your risk of falling. Seniors 65 and older should get at least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic exercise each week, or about 30 minutes a day. Those with mobility issues should consult with a physician.
Physical activity doesn’t exactly mean running a marathon. Rather, try walking, swimming, yoga, or even dancing. In addition to this, good physical health also requires a proper, balanced diet. If you’re not accustomed to healthy eating, don’t give up. Start with baby steps and try eliminating added sugars (sodas, prepackaged foods, etc), drinking more water, and incorporating more vegetables into your diet. These small steps will help you drastically!

One benefit of being a senior is that many of your friends are retired like you which means you have more time to spend together! Whether it’s spending time with your friends, visiting family, playing card games with your neighbors, or attending a religious organization, social fulfillment is vital to good health. The constant mental stimulation from socializing helps thwart off dementia-related impairments and improves one’s mood and behavior. Try phoning an old friend this week, volunteer at a local school, or check out your local community centers for events happening help you stay socially engaged.


According to a recent report from the AARP, only 17% of Americans age 50 and older are financially healthy, leaving roughly 83% of seniors who are in financial distress.

Financial stresses can be overwhelming and lead to bouts of depression, cardiovascular problems, and overall poor physical health. For many seniors, financial pressures are common when they are still in debt, experience layoffs and personal health setbacks, and struggle with paying for ever-rising health care costs.

To help avoid financial disaster, assess your current situation, then identify your relationship with money. If necessary, ask for help. Make a plan and a realistic budget, and stick to it. Spend less than you earn, and if necessary, apply for some government assistance.

In the US, approximately 15% of seniors age 60 and older experience some from a mental disorder. If left untreated, your brain functioning and overall quality of life can greatly diminish.
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Just like you need to exercise your body, you also need to exercise your mind. To help improve and stimulate the mind, try one of the following:
  • Read a book
  • Do a crossword puzzle
  • Pick up a new hobby
  • Care for a pet
  • Be more active physically and socially
We hope you’ve found these suggestions useful. Contact us at Aegis today if you need more help. Happy Healthy Aging Month!